
Upload files using SFTP

NOTE: Bitnami applications can be found in /opt/bitnami/apps.

Although you can use any SFTP/SCP client to transfer files to your server, this guide documents FileZilla (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X), WinSCP (Windows) and Cyberduck (Mac OS X).

Using an SSH Key

NOTE: The steps below assume that you have obtained the SSH credentials for your server. Learn more about obtaining SSH credentials

Once you have your server’s SSH key, choose your preferred application and follow the steps below to connect to the server using SFTP.


IMPORTANT: To use FileZilla, your server private key should be in PPK format.

Follow these steps:

  • Download and install FileZilla.

  • Launch FileZilla and use the “Edit -> Settings” command to bring up FileZilla’s configuration settings.

  • Within the “Connection -> SFTP” section, use the “Add keyfile” command to select the private key file for the server. FileZilla will use this private key to log in to the server.

    FileZilla configuration

  • Use the “File -> Site Manager -> New Site” command to bring up the FileZilla Site Manager, where you can set up a connection to your server.

  • Enter your server host name and specify bitnami as the user name.

  • Select “SFTP” as the protocol and “Ask for password” as the logon type.

    FileZilla configuration

  • Use the “Connect” button to connect to the server and begin an SFTP session. You might need to accept the server key, by clicking “Yes” or “OK” to proceed.

You should now be logged into the /home/bitnami directory on the server. You can now transfer files by dragging and dropping them from the local server window to the remote server window.

By default, Magento is configured with single-user file permissions, so only the daemon user and group can write to the Magento application directory. Therefore, if you wish to use your uploaded files in the Magento directory, perform these additional steps after uploading them to the /home/bitnami directory on the server:

  • Log in to the server console using SSH.

  • Move the uploaded file(s) from the /home/bitnami directory to the Magento application directory using sudo, and change permissions, as shown below. Replace the FILENAME placeholder with the actual name of the file being moved.

      $ sudo mv /home/bitnami/FILENAME /opt/bitnami/magento
      $ sudo chown -R daemon:daemon /opt/bitnami/magento/FILENAME

If you have problems accessing your server, get extra information by use the “Edit -> Settings -> Debug” menu to activate FileZilla’s debug log.

FileZilla debug log


IMPORTANT: To use WinSCP, your server private key should be in PPK format.

Follow these steps:

  • Download and install WinSCP.

  • Launch WinSCP and in the “Session” panel, select “SCP” as the file protocol.

  • Enter your server host name and specify bitnami as the user name.

    WinSCP configuration

  • Click the “Advanced…” button and within the “SSH -> Authentication -> Authentication parameters” section, select the private key file for the server. WinSCP will use this private key to log in to the server.

    WinSCP configuration

  • From the “Session” panel, use the “Login” button to connect to the server and begin an SCP session.

You should now be logged into the /home/bitnami directory on the server. You can now transfer files by dragging and dropping them from the local server window to the remote server window.

By default, Magento is configured with single-user file permissions, so only the daemon user and group can write to the Magento application directory. Therefore, if you wish to upload files to the Magento application directory, or to another location where the user doesn’t have write permissions, you have two options:

  • Once you have configured WinSCP as described above, click the “Advanced…” button and within the “Environment -> Shell” panel, select sudo su - as your shell. This will allow you to upload files using the administrator account.

    WinSCP configuration

  • Upload the files to the /home/bitnami directory as usual. Then, connect via SSH and move the files to the Magento application directory using sudo, and change permissions, as shown below. Replace the FILENAME placeholder with the actual name of the file being moved.

      $ sudo mv /home/bitnami/FILENAME /opt/bitnami/magento
      $ sudo chown -R daemon:daemon /opt/bitnami/magento/FILENAME


IMPORTANT: To use Cyberduck, your server private key should be in PEM format.

Follow these steps:

  • Select the “Open Connection” command and specify “SFTP” as the connection protocol.

    Cyberduck configuration

  • In the connection details panel, under the “More Options” section, enable the “Use Public Key Authentication” option and specify the path to the private key file for the server.

    Cyberduck configuration

  • Use the “Connect” button to connect to the server and begin an SFTP session.

You should now be logged into the /home/bitnami directory on the server. You can now transfer files by dragging and dropping them from the local server window to the remote server window.

By default, Magento is configured with single-user file permissions, so only the daemon user and group can write to the Magento application directory. Therefore, if you wish to use your uploaded files in the Magento directory, perform these additional steps after uploading them to the /home/bitnami directory on the server:

  • Log in to the server console using SSH.

  • Move the uploaded file(s) from the /home/bitnami directory to the Magento application directory using sudo, and change permissions, as shown below. Replace the FILENAME placeholder with the actual name of the file being moved.

      $ sudo mv /home/bitnami/FILENAME /opt/bitnami/magento
      $ sudo chown -R daemon:daemon /opt/bitnami/magento/FILENAME
Last modification February 19, 2025