
Understand the default AWS limits

AWS defines certain limits by default, to prevent users from accidentally creating too many resources. Your AWS account may reach one or more of these limits when using a large number of servers, backups or static IP addresses.

EC2 Instances

By default, AWS has a limit of 20 instances per region. This includes all instances set up on your AWS account.

To increase EC2 limits, request a higher limit by providing information about the new limit and regions where it should be applied.

Static IP Addresses

By default, AWS sets a limit of 5 static IP addresses per region. This includes IP addresses unassigned and currently assigned to a server.

To increase IP addresses limit, request a higher limit by providing information about the new limit and regions where it should be applied.


The AWS default limit for all snapshots is 10000 snapshots per region.

To increase the number of snapshots allowed, contact AWS Support and request a higher limit.

Other Limits

If your AWS account reaches any of AWS' other limits, contact AWS Support and request a higher limit.

Last modification February 19, 2025