
Use Git with Redmine

Redmine lets users check repository changes and link to cases. Follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the server console. Learn how to connect to the server through SSH.

  • Clone the remote Git repository, or initialize a new one. Replace the REPO_URL placeholder with the correct repository URL and the REPO placeholder with the correct directory name for the cloned repository.

      $ cd $HOME
      $ mkdir repos
      $ cd repos
      $ sudo git clone REPO_URL --bare

    NOTE: Include the --bare option regardless of whether you’re cloning an existing repository or initializing a new one

  • Create a new Redmine project.

  • From the project dashboard, select the “Settings -> Repositories” tab and add a new repository using the settings below. Replace the ID placeholder with a short identifier for the repository, the USER placeholder with the username, and the REPO placeholder with the correct directory name for the cloned repository.

      SCM: Git
      Identifier: ID
      Path to repository: /home/USER/repos/REPO

Redmine and Git

Last modification February 19, 2025