
Compare different Bitnami and Automattic WordPress solutions

Which Bitnami and Automattic WordPress image best suits your needs?

WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic listings on the AWS Marketplace

If you navigate to the AWS Marketplace and search for “Bitnami WordPress”, you will find more than one WordPress image. Each image provides different features and benefits ranging from standard performance for small sites to the most complex multi-tier architecture for sites that demand high-availability and strong security.

Bitnami WordPress listings on the AWS Marketplace

Choosing the right solution is essential to ensure that all your requirements are fully satisfied.

Bitnami has published the following in the AWS Marketplace:

Read on to learn what aspects to consider.

Benefits of deploying WordPress by Bitnami and Automattic

Whenever you launch any of the WordPress certified by Bitnami and Automattic images from the AWS Marketplace, you are running their most up-to-date and secure version. Bitnami provides the latest version of WordPress and its components, and includes every single security patch. Apart from these default characteristics, Bitnami WordPress now comes with the Jetpack plugin enabled, which is probably one of the most popular plugins among users. Sample benefits include:

Design features
  • Additional professional themes
  • Unlimited, high-speed image and video content delivery network
  • Better mobile experience: integration with the official WordPress mobile apps, faster image loading
Marketing and performance tools
  • Performance improvements thanks to Jetpack’s site accelerator
  • SEO tools for Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, and
  • Elasticsearch-powered for content and site search
  • Paypal payment buttons
Security and backup services
  • Spam filters and downtime monitoring
  • Daily backups of your site
  • Site activity tracking
  • Malware and code scanning

Other plugins that are preinstalled by default are Akismet, All in One SEO Pack, and Amazon Polly.

If you are a developer, you may find it interesting to know that Bitnami and Automattic WordPress images bring you:

  • The possibility of auto-configuring a Let’s Encrypt certificate for secure connections. HTTP/2 is also supported.
  • The latest versions of WordPress, PHP, Apache, and MariaDB
  • System caching functionality for improving site performance

The above features are included in all the WordPress images that Bitnami has published in the AWS Marketplace catalog. Hence, how to know which listing to choose?

What should you consider when selecting a Bitnami and Automattic WordPress image?

If you have selected WordPress for building a new website, or you already have a WordPress instance running on AWS - but your needs have changed - this checklist can be useful for you to choose the right image. Evaluate your requirements, pick the right Bitnami WordPress listing and launch it using your AWS account!

User profile

Are you a content author, a developer, or a system administrator?

If you want to run a personal blog or a small site as a content author, the best option is to launch WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic.

As a developer, you can also benefit from this option, but you will probably be taking other requirements into account, such as web server performance or the number of sites you have to manage. In that case, both WordPress with NGINX and SSL Certified by Bitnami and Automattic and WordPress Multisite Certified by Bitnami and Automattic are excellent options, respectively. The only difference between them is that one uses NGINX as a web server while the other uses Apache.

Number of sites

Are you part of an organization, university or large company that has different sites to manage? WordPress Multisite Certified by Bitnami and Automattic allows you to have multiple sites with different domains and layouts, but with a single central administrator. This way, you can get the benefit of having different sites that share plugins and themes, and are managed from the same user interface.


Does your website face thousand of connections each day? For high-demand sites with a huge number of connections, it is vital to make sure that your server is able to provide faster content without needing to consume a lot of resources. You will get the best performance with either WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic or with WordPress with NGINX and SSL Certified by Bitnami and Automattic. Varnish (TM) is included by default as a system cache to boost your website’s performance.

Last modification February 19, 2025