
Install plugins

The OpenCart extension directory lets you easily extend OpenCart’s default functionality.

To install an extension, follow these steps:

  • Make sure the extension is compatible with your OpenCart version.
  • Read the extension documentation available on the extension Web page or website to understand the installation steps.
  • Download the extension to your desktop.
  • Extract it with your preferred tool and search for a text file listing the installation steps in the root folder of the extracted archive.

If you find installation instructions, follow them (note that some extensions will require vQMod).

If you do not find any installation instructions and the extension you downloaded is an XML file (outside or inside the compressed file) you can use the OpenCart Extension Installer to upload that XML file and apply the extension, as described below:

  • Select the “Extensions” menu (puzzle icon) in the left sidebar.

  • In the resulting sub-menu, select the “Extension Installer” menu item.

  • Click the “Upload” button, then browse to the XML file and select it.

    OpenCart plugin configuration

  • The extension will now be uploaded and installed. Once done, the new extension will appear in the plugin list.

  • Click “Activate” to activate it.

If you do not find any installation instructions for your extension and the extension is a compressed file with folders inside it, you have three options:

  • Install an FTP server on your application host and set the connection details in the OpenCart shop configuration. Then, upload the extension you downloaded using the OpenCart Extension installer.
  • Install a FTP server on your application host. Then, upload the files inside the compressed archive you downloaded to the right folder on your application host, overwriting all files.
  • Connect to your server through SSH, download the extension from the website using the command line, extract the files and copy them to the OpenCart base directory, overwriting all files.

IMPORTANT: When using the OpenCart Extension Installer, the file name of the extension you wish to upload should end with (for ZIP files) or ocmod.xml (for XML files).

Last modification February 19, 2025