Use the RabbitMQ admin console
To use the RabbitMQ admin console, follow these steps:
Download the rabbitmqadmin application from http://SERVER-IP:15672/cli/. You will need Python 2.5, 2.6 or later.
Copy rabbitmqadmin to /usr/local/bin/ and give it execution permissions.
$ chmod +x rabbitmqadmin
Invoke the following for usage instructions:
$ rabbitmqadmin --help
This command allows you to:
- list exchanges, queues, bindings, vhosts, users, permissions, connections and channels.
- show overview information.
- declare and delete exchanges, queues, bindings, vhosts, users and permissions.
- publish and get messages.
- close connections and purge queues.
- import and export configuration.
Usage examples
To connect to your machine and list the vhosts that there are created:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD list vhosts
To declare a new user:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD declare user name=NEW_USER_NAME password=NEW_PASSWORD tags=username
To give access to the new user:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD declare permission vhost=/ user=NEW_USER_NAME configure=.* write=.* read=.*
NOTE: You have to specify where the new user can configure, write or write. Use .* to specify all the exchanges in the *vhost*.
To delete a user:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD delete user name=NEW_USER_NAME
To declare an exchange:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD declare exchange name=NEW_EXCHANGE_NAME type=fanout
To declare a queue with optional parameters:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD declare queue name=NEW_QUEUE_NAME durable=false
To publish a message:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD publish exchange=amq.default routing_key=QUEUE_NAME payload="hello, world"
And to get it back:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD get queue=QUEUE_NAME requeue=false
To export a configuration:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD export rabbit.config
To import a configuration:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD -q import rabbit.config
To close all connections:
$ rabbitmqadmin -H SERVER-IP -u USER_NAME -p PASSWORD -f tsv -q list connections name | while read conn ; do rabbitmqadmin -q close connection name=${conn} ; done