
Install the Agile plugin

IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended to create a backup before continuing.

Follow these steps to install the Redmine Agile plugin plugin:

NOTE: Registration (free) is required before installing the Redmine Agile plugin.

  • Navigate to the Redmine installation directory:

      $ cd /opt/bitnami/redmine
  • Save the .zip file in the Redmine plugins directory. Make sure that you are in that directory before unzip the plugin:

      $ cd plugins
  • Unzip the Agile plugin file (VERSION-EDITION is a placeholder. Your file should contains the version you have downloaded and the selected edition):

      $ unzip
  • Remove the “.zip” file:

      $ rm
  • Change to the Redmine installation directory and install required gems:

      $ cd -
      $ bundle install --without development test postgresql sqlite --no-deployment
      $ bundle install --without development test postgresql sqlite --deployment
  • Install and migrate the Redmine Agile database:

      $ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins RAILS_ENV=production
      $ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_agile RAILS_ENV=production

    NOTE: It could display a warning message about the log production file. In that case, run the following commands:

    $ sudo chown :bitnami log/production.log
    $ sudo chmod g+w log/production.log
  • Restart services for the changes to take effect:

      $ sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart
  • Sign in to your Redmine installation and navigate to the “Administration -> Agile” section to configure the new plugin.

  • Navigate to the “Projects -> PROJECT -> Settings -> Modules” menu to enable the Agile plugin in your project.

Last modification February 11, 2025