Get started with SonarQube
The /opt/bitnami/sonarqube SonarQube installation folder has the following contents:
Directory | Content |
bin/ | SonarQube’s binaries. |
conf/ | SonarQube’s configuration files. |
data/ | SonarQube’s data. |
… |
Analyze your first project with SonarQube Scanner
To get started with the Bitnami package for SonarQube™ and SonarQube Scanner, you can follow this two-minute quickstart guide to analyze a sample project:
Download the SonarQube Scanner zip file. You can find it for all platforms on this link.
Unzip it in /opt:
$ sudo unzip -d /opt sonar-scanner-cli-*.zip
Download some sample projects from this link.
Unzip them in $HOME/sonar-scanning-examples:
$ unzip -d $HOME
Analyze a project as shown below. Replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD placeholders with the correct user name and password.
$ cd $HOME/sonar-scanning-examples/sonarqube-scanner $ /opt/sonar-scanner-*/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.login=USERNAME -Dsonar.password=PASSWORD
Browse to http://SERVER-IP to find out the results. (SERVER-IP is a placeholder. Please, replace it with the actual domain of your SonarQube server).
You can find more information about SonarQube Scanner at SonarQube’s official documentation.