
Debug PHP-FPM errors

PHP-FPM is configured such that PHP requests are delivered to the appropriate PHP-FPM pool. It may happen, however, that none of those pools consumes the request, either because it is a custom application that was not configured to use PHP-FPM, or because of a misconfiguration.

In these cases, Apache tries to serve the plaintext version of the PHP file (its source code), which may contain sensitive information. To avoid this, we have configured the server to throw an error of the form:

Not Found
The requested URL /bitnami-error-php-fpm-did-not-handle-the-connection/info.php was not found on this server.

If you come across this error, you can open an issue in our github repository and we will help you troubleshooting the error and release a fixed version of the misconfigured application if needed.

A complete debug log for PHP-FPM errors can be found in the /opt/bitnami/php/var/log directory.

Last modification February 19, 2025