
Create and restore MongoDB backups


To back up the data contained in your database, create a dump file using the mongodump tool.

$ mongodump --authenticationDatabase admin --username root --password PASSWORD -d DATABASE_NAME -h localhost

This operation could take some time depending on the amount of data that you have stored in the database.


To restore data backed up using the previous command, restore a dump file using the mongorestore tool.

$ mongorestore --authenticationDatabase admin --username root --password PASSWORD PATH_TO_BACKUP_FILE

Note that the steps previously described will only back up the data contained inside your database. There may be other files that you should take into account when performing a full backup, such as files that may have been uploaded to the application. These files are stored in the application folder itself, so copy this folder to have a backup of your uploaded files.

Last modification February 19, 2025