
Upgrade Live Helper Chat

It is strongly recommended to create a backup before starting the update process. If you have important data, create and restore a backup to ensure that everything works properly.

You can upgrade the application only without modifying any other stack components by following these steps:

  • Log in to the application administration panel.

  • Click the “System configuration” icon and browse to “System -> Update Information”. Click the “Update database” link if needed.

  • Log out of the application.

  • Download the new version of the application.

The next steps will depend on your installation type.

  • Overwrite the following folders:

      $ cp -R /PATH-TO-NEW-VERSION/docs /opt/bitnami/livehelperchat/docs
      $ cp -R /PATH-TO-NEW-VERSION/ezcomponents /opt/bitnami/livehelperchat/ezcomponents
      $ cp -R /PATH-TO-NEW-VERSION/lib /opt/bitnami/livehelperchat/lib
      $ cp -R /PATH-TO-NEW-VERSION/modules /opt/bitnami/livehelperchat/modules
      $ cp -R /PATH-TO-NEW-VERSION/pos /opt/bitnami/livehelperchat/pos
      $ cp -R /PATH-TO-NEW-VERSION/translations /opt/bitnami/livehelperchat/translations
      $ cp -R /PATH-TO-NEW-VERSION/design /opt/bitnami/livehelperchat/design
  • Disable the cache by editing the following values in your /opt/bitnami/livehelperchat/settings/settings.ini.php file:

      'templatecache' => false
      'templatecompile' => false
      'modulecompile' => false
  • Log in to the application administration panel.

  • Click the “System configuration” icon and browse to the “System” page. Click the “Clean cache” link.

  • Enable the cache.

For further information, refer to the official documentation.

Last modification February 9, 2023