
Upgrade Re:dash

NOTE: It is strongly recommended to create a backup before starting the update process. If you have important data, create and restore a backup to ensure that everything works properly.

You can upgrade the Bitnami Re:dash Stack following the steps below.

  • Download the latest release tarball from GitHub.

  • Navigate to the Redash installation directory:

      $ cd /opt/bitnami/redash
  • Create a backup of your current version:

      $ mkdir /tmp/redash-backup
      $ sudo mv * /tmp/redash-backup
  • Create the htdocs directory for the new version and unpack it there:

      $ sudo tar -xvf /path/to/new/tarball
  • Copy your .env file and your venv/ directory from the current version to the new version:

      $ cp -p /tmp/redash-backup/.env .
      $ cp -rp /tmp/redash-backup/venv .
  • Check if you have any new migrations in the new version. Check it by running this command:

      $ diff migrations /tmp/redash-backup/migrations
  • Apply new migrations (if it is necessary):

      $ . venv/bin/activate
      $ ./bin/run python migrations/
  • Install any new requirements:

      $ . venv/bin/activate
      $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Restart servers:

      $ sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart
Last modification February 9, 2023