
Configure Apache Solr

Obtain example configuration files by following these steps:

$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop solr
  • Change directories to locate the files:

      $ cd /opt/bitnami/solr
  • Create Solr home directory /opt/bitnami/solr/example/techproducts/solr by executing the following command:

      $ sudo ./bin/solr -e techproducts

This action creates a set of example configuration files in /opt/bitnami/solr/example/techproducts/solr/techproducts/conf. These are configuration references. Modify these files depending on your server requirements.

  • Access the Solr administration interface via SSH or by opening the port 8983 in the server firewall. Refer to the FAQ for more information on how to configure your server firewall.
Last modification February 19, 2025