
Get started with Kong

Kong installation folder is located in /opt/bitnami/apps/kong/, which has the following contents:

  • openresty/: contains Openresty, LuaJIT and Luarocks libraries and binary files.
    • openresty/nginx : Openresty’s bundled NGINX server
    • openresty/luajit/: LuaJIT folder. Lua modules can be found in openresty/luajit/lib and openresty/luajit/share. All binary files can be found in openresty/luajit/bin.
  • serf/: Serf Cluster management used by Kong
  • conf/: Kong’s configuration files.
  • server/: Kong’s server working directory
  • bin/: Kong’s binary resides here.

Apart from this, you can find Cassandra located in /opt/bitnami/cassandra.

In order to manage Kong, you can use /opt/bitnami/, which allows start, stop and check the status of Kong:

$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ start kong # Start Kong
$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop kong  # Stop Kong
$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart kong  # Restart Kong
$ sudo /opt/bitnami/ status kong # Check Kong status

Alternatively, you can also use the bin/kong command which is located in /opt/bitnami/apps/kong/. Please note that it must be executed as the user kong in order to work correctly.

$ cd /opt/bitnami/apps/kong
$ sudo su kong
$ bin/kong start  # Start Kong
$ bin/kong stop   # Stop Kong
$ bin/kong restart   # Restart Kong
$ bin/kong status # Check Kong status

You can find a 5-minute quickstart guide (where you will create an API, a consumer and enable the key-auth plugin) in Kong’s official getting started documentation.

Last modification February 19, 2025